Marketing Partner

Asset Upload

Thank you for partnering with Dallas Bike Ride!

Please submit your assets as directed below for placement in our marketing channels. If you have any questions or are having trouble uploading your assets, please reach out via our Contact Us page and we’ll get back to you shortly.


Placement Specs and Guidelines

See below for our specs and guidelines for your assets to ensure smooth and timely placement. Any assets that do not meet the corresponding specs and guidelines will be returned for edits and may delay your live date.

Newsletter / Email Placement

  • Graphic (png/jpeg): 300px by 250px or 600px by 100px (include logo)
  • Destination URL/link
  • Copy blurb, ideally no more than 180 characters

Social Media Post Formatting

  • Graphic (png/jpeg): 1080px by 1080px (include logo)
  • Destination URL/link (Facebook Posts & Instagram Stories only)
  • Copy, ideally no more than 300 characters for posts, 75 characters for stories
  • Include any desired hashtag and handles.

Event guide (Letter Format)

  • Destination URL/link
  • Full-Page Ad (png/jpeg/pdf) 8.5″ by 11″ (2480px by 3208px)
  • Half-Page Ad (png/jpeg/pdf) 8.5″ by 5.5″ (2480px by 1604px)
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Contact Name

Request up to 10 Placements Here

Add details for your first placement, then repeat for additional placements by clicking the ADD button at the bottom of the form.


We will do our best to hit your preferred day, however specific dates are subject to or marketing calendar and cannot be guaranteed. Not needed for Logo Placements.
Please include any social media handles or hashtags for tagging if applicable. Not needed for Logo Placements.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Newsletter Graphic (300px by 250px or 600px by 100px) | Social Media Graphics (1080px by 1080px) | Event Guide Graphic (8.5" x 11" / 2480px by 3208px) or (8.5" x 5.5" / 2480px by 1604px)